Below are the most frequently questions customers will ask , and if you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. You can also check on shipment&Returns and payment info. page for more details.
1.How long does the production and shipping time takes?

Standard order Sculpting and Delivery (About 2-3 Weeks,Free Proof)

Fast order Sculpting and Delivery (About 15 Day, Free Proof)

Faster order Sculpting and Delivery (About 10 Days, Free Proof)

Super rush order Sculpting and Delivery (About 3-5 Days, No Proof)

In most cases we can deliver your bobbleheads according to the time frame
you selected. We send photos to you during production for approval, if
any delays in receipt of approval of the proof or changes to the proof
are requested, additional time may be needed to complete the job.

2.How long can I receive the proofs after I place the order?

Standard order needs 4-7 working days
Rush order needs 1-3 working days

We will send the proof to your email when it finished,please kindly check
your box and give us the feedback on time, so that your custom
bobblehead can be completed before the appointed date.

3.Do I need to pat extra for head to bobble?

No, all doll head we create can bobble, you no need to pay extra for this. If want head be stationary, please just comment in order.

4.Can you create the bobblehead with only a front photo if I don’t have a side profile photo to provide?

Yes, the side profile is not necessary, we can customize the bobblehead with the good front photo.

5.If i order more than 1 doll, and can not upload all the photos through website, what should i do?

Please send the photos to info@bbobbler.co.uk  after order, thanks!

6. How can I change the clothing on model?

If the clothing or posture on body model is different with the one you want,please choose“Changes to Clothing/Posture(comment in box)” when filling form on our website, we will customize yours base on photos/requests!

7.What does "Top-level likeness by our master" mean?

This means that our best sculptors will make your order, and you can select this to ensure amazing likeness!

8.How do I add more pets to the order?

Please order through this link:https://bbobbler.co.uk/collections/pets-and-others/products/a-small-pet-added-to-base

9.Will I be notified when my order ships?

YES! After your order has been shipped, we will send you an email shipping notice, confirming that your package has been sent to you. The email will also provide you with a Tracking Number.

10. If the photo can not upload, what should i do?

In this case, you can send the photos to info@bbobbler.co.uk. directly.

11.How to store my custom bobbleheads?

Please put your custom bobblehead doll in room temperature and dry place.Keep out of reach of small children and pets and avoid dropping your bobblehead dolls to ensure it’s long life. Keep out of direct sunlight to ensure the colors will last.

Taking care your bobblehead is actually really easy. If your bobblehead gets dusty just wash it off with lightly damp cloth using water only. Do not use any chemicals on your bobblehead, including spraying perfume near it.